Breast Augmentation
Unmarried girls with small breasts and post-childbirth mothers are usually
the patients who avail of this procedure. The other indications are in sex
change (gender reassignment ) surgery and post- resection breast cancer patients.
The newer generation silicone gel implants are relatively safe, long-lasting and
give the most natural feel. It is a day care procedure and the local discomfort
is pronounced for the first 2-3 days. The dreaded complications related to implants
are infection, capsular contracture, rupture and leak. However, these are rare if
proper intraoperative and postoperative care is taken. Fat grafting after liposuction is
a new modality to augment breasts. However, results are unpredictable and further
experience is required to satisfy patients. No heavy exercise, weight lifting or
aerobics is recommended for atleast 3 weeks postoperative.
Breast Lift & Reduction
Large breasts can be socially embarrassing and can cause neck and shoulder pain.
Reduction of size, reshaping of the breasts and lifting the nipple-areola complex(NAC)
to the normal level are the aims in this procedure . The procedure involves a single day
hospital stay and th patient can shower from the next day. Continuous Breast support is
mandatory for 3-4 weeks. Although nipple sensation and lactation cannot always be
guaranteed after the procedure, the newer techniques ensure restoration of the same.
Male Breast Surgery (Gynaecomastia)
Usually in puberty the breast tissue regresses in males. Persistence of the same leads to
presence of female-type breasts with variable amount of fat and breast tissue. Liposuction
with or without breast disc excision (through imperceptible scars) as a day care surgery
is the treatment of choice, depending on the clinical assessment of each patient. Pressure
garment is mandatory for 1-3 weeks postoperative, depending on the size of the gynaecomastia removed.